[@Zanavy] [color=6ecff6]"Wonder where he'll go..."[/color] Alan mused as Pip tilted his head from side to side [color=DCDCDC][i]'Actually I do know where it is since Alan took me there once to try swimming,'[/i][/color] Pip grabbed his ears [color=DCDCDD][i]'I don't like my ears getting wet but I love to play in the sand,'[/i][/color] Pip blinked [color=DCDCDC][i]'Oh oops got off topic...The ocean is a whole town away!'[/i][/color] Pip nervously tapped the ground with his tail [color=DCDCDC][i]'It isn't safe,'[/i][/color] Pip scamped closer to Trillo [color=DCDCDC][i]'You don't have to stay with us but we could take you to the ocean and protect you until we get there?'[/i][/color] Pip suggested.