[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/ZT1oFwOs5lgNjkkr5dYCXnqcJHdga3d_7U1_fF0io8o/https/i.imgur.com/6VXPWB7.png[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location: Boston Skills: Rune Magic [hr][hr][/color][/I] [/center] Elizabeth grunted as things continued to worsen. Running away from something on a boat was [i]hard[/i], in a lot of ways, it was just a matter of speed on the open ocean, it wasn't like you could hide or try to lose somebody around a corner, you just had to be better, either through speed or might. Not confident in their ability to kill this thing, whatever it was, she drew another rune, Lagaz, and placed on the floor of the boat, gritting her teeth. She knew continued use like this would eventually take something out of her, and she didn't wanna risk getting exhausted before they even reached the castle. The current beneath them began to pick up, increasing their speed, but not shaking the world serpent. Turning her ear towards Arnora, she called out, "[color=limegreen]What's your idea exactly? Tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it.[/color]" She kept her fire at bay for the moment, not wanting to step on her toes. If she had an idea she wanted to execute, she wasn't going to et in the way of it. She kept her writing materials out, ready to sketch out whatever was needed to get them out of this, if need be. She'd probably need to rest through the rest of their journey, but if that was how it was to be, so be it.