[center][color=6666aa][h1]Nightstalker[/h1][/color] [b]Interacts With: [/b]Agent Rocket [sub][i]Beep Beeeep Beeeeeeep[/i][/sub] It was Saturday, Alice wasn't awake because of that, but clearly she forgot to turn off the alarm...The girl rolled around in her bed- nearly falling off- trying to sleepily grab whatever was making that noise; Beep beep beep, where are you...The curtains were drawn shut, and Alice's eyes were already half closed from being woken up. Wait, that wasn't her alarm...That was her watch...Probably just Hiram telling her to get to school on time... Wait. [h1]It's Saturday![/h1] That's Hiram telling them about an emergency. She finally found her watch stuffed under her pillow, glowing orange letters spelling out the word [color=orange]EMERGENCY[/color] in all caps telling her to get to a certain location fast. Damn. The more Alice thought about it, the more she figured this had something to do with Mali, and how they blundered like no tomorrow, so naturally Nadia's gonna be there. Alice promptly swung out of bed and hopped to the ground, pulling out a large cardboard box that looked intentionally dusty; her spy box. She grabbed the clunky thing and yanked it out where she could grab things, while also stammering around getting changed into outdoor stuff, in what felt like five minutes. The room was still a tad dim from the curtains being closed, and behind Alice, hung on the wall was a bow that she had when she was 13, she rarely used it these days, instead making use of a highly sophisticated combat bow. She grabbed a t-shirt and some jeans, throwing on the clunky grappling hooks and all her usual gear. The visor she used was currently turned off, so it looked like little more than a fancy bike helmet that shouldn't even be called a visor. At the bottom of the box was her bow, folded in on itself and sitting on a quiver of steel colored arrows, she grabbed them and then grabbed her usual longcoat, that went down to her knees, and was gone out the door before her parents could tell her it was a Saturday. 10 minutes. The sun was up, and cool air breezed past Alice, aka Agent Nightstalker, the street was thankfully quiet, this Coolidge place was a while away by foot, and Alice didn't have car; taking a few turns off the sidewalk into less housed areas, she hung her folded-up bow by her hip in her coat as she held her arms out, the sleeves were a little loose, so the gauntlets she had on were rather concealable, a little flexing of the neurons and a [i]whoosh[/i] resulted in two steel cables flying out, the gauntlets were grappling hooks. She swung from building to building with what may have been upwards of 70mph, and rolled and tumbled along the ground- hopefully out of sight- until she made it. Unsurprisingly, she was right about Nadia and Mali. She choked like she inhaled Honey's side projects on that mission. They failed too, hearing the instructions and the teams was at least some relief. The terrorist team was all danger, and the other team was, well...they had Babel on their team. The goal was simple, hide some bombs, and make sure they aren't diffused; She grabbed a vest and pulled all her arrows out inside the van, replacing them with arrows that had thick but undoubtedly light balls of paint on them, swapping them and placing her much more life-ending ones in the other quiver as she hopped out in time to see who had the payloads. Rocket had one of them, that girl knew where bombs were meant to be put, so that would be safe to leave up to her. Carmen was the least combative person on the enemy team, Erik was good with guns, Ben was [i]great[/i] with damn near everything they had in that van. She ran up to her teammate, Rocket, and pulled out her bow, with a snap of her wrist it made a large clacking noise as it unfolded into a seamless compound bow. [color=6666aa]"Hey...I think we should drop Babel first, she's the weakest link. I guess you’re gonna start blowing things up. Anyway, I'm going in to get a view of the place while it's fresh. Here-"[/color] She reached into her pocket and tossed a brick-shaped object to Binx. [color=6666aa]"If you find Bug in there, plug that in and you'll see what I see. Don't get shot."[/color] With that she made a run for it in through a broken window, watching where the other team went and who had what planned. She was cozied up next to a mess of rubble, hiding by the door to spy. It got dimmer and dimmer, but it was still possible to see. [/center]