Appearance: [img=] Name: Brammir Ravenbrow Age: 27 Race: Human Hometown: Vaneel Biography: Bram grew up in a decently well off family in Vaneel. He spent most of his time outside the mine that his father owned and managed just to the north of Vaneel. There he diligently practiced with his Rope Dart to the point of being able to hit bottle sized objects out of the sky with it. He was practicing one day as usual outside of the mine when a convoy of Dragoons came to Vaneel to scout out some fresh recruits. He had heard about the Dragoons of course, but never really considered joining them until he saw Lucia in action. There had been a small cave in at the mine that day trapping several of the workers, including his father. Lucia quickly blew the rubble away with a swift punch that seemed to glow brighter than the sun. Bram was in awe; was this the power that the Dragoons could attain? He approached Lucia in the bar near where the Dragoon camp was stationed in Vaneel, asking her if there were any recruit spots left open. She demanded that he show some sort of skill or he would just be wasting both of their time. Bram took a mug of mead from the nearest table and threw it across the room, quickly unwrapping the Rope Dart from his belt then catapulting it from his side to pin the mug by the handle to the wall. He looked back over to Lucia to see what she had to say, she merely nodded in approvable. The rest is history. Dragonartes: Sadistic Crown, Esper Blessing Weapon(s): [hider=Rope Dart][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Short Sword][img][/img][/hider] Roleplaying Sample: LOL no. (I'll actually be working on this so that everyone can get a feel for how I write, since I am not apart of any other RPs at the moment for anyone to check me out on.) edit: changed appearance to more accurately describe character