The soft sound of Rohaan sucking his teeth gave them the gut reaction of bowing their head conveying shame and a want for being forgiven. Perhaps they had gone a step too far asking their brother to change his eyes. It was just as a way of making sure they could both be safe. Humans didn’t have such culture for certain features, for they had never been persecuted for what they couldn’t control. Not just for being humans. Somehow being powerless allowed them to be at the top of society even though every other species had some sort of abilities of the supernatural. It didn’t make evolutionary sense. They would force species that didn’t look human to look more human. On an evolutionary basis, humans have wanted to evolve to be more like other species that in some cases didn’t need weapons at all and were living weapons. Being a human themselves Vanquiel still didn’t understand what could possibly have decided this sort of fate. On the other hand being a mutated human was always confusing, they didn’t always have abilities and it didn’t affect the way they looked. They were hidden in plain sight. They never had to go through what Rohaan had to. It was idiotic to try and think of themselves as such. Vequaniel could only sympathise in regards to being hidden away. Their life may have not been ideal but slaughter was only something that they had dished out. It wasn’t a fact of life that their people would be killed. The younger listened intently to the elder wanting to be educated. The darkening tone came with waves of emotions that Vequaniel felt strangling them. They lifted their head to ease their breathing but it accomplished nothing but allowing the emotions to get a better grip of their neck. If there was one thing that they learned before being taken in by Berlin was when to hold their tongue. The human mutate never failed to get emotional when Rohaan talked of his past. It could have been that it brought up such shame when thinking of that day. The day they met Berlin. It was also the immense injustice that Rohaan faced. It was disgusting to think their kind could be so cruel. Humans could be so heartless. Of course Vequaniel knew of it but that didn’t mean they had to wear that on their sleeve. Vequaniel wondered if Rohaan knew or just ignored that they were human. Was Vequaniel the exception to the rule of hating all humans? They didn’t want to know in case it soured the relationship between the siblings. Living a lie wasn’t too hard at least when knowing the stakes. They had attempted to learn the language that was Rohaan’s mother tongue; it was only fair. The idea of being seen as weak in their brother’s eyes allowed their jaw to clench. They knew that wasn’t exactly what he was implying but the idea of that being true hurt. They knew it was true. Pushing their limits was what they did for the greater good. At least their perceived greater good. Being scolded brought them straight back to their childhood. Their eyes closed as they listened to every word Rohaan said. Every word allowed a memory to spark. A memory that had been pushed to the back of their mind. Rohaan became silent. Vequaniel couldn’t help but wonder about when the hit was coming. Their eyes shot open and a few tears rolled down their cheeks that were quickly wiped away by a handkerchief. It was a relief that Rohaan couldn’t feel their emotions. As Rohaan explained his plan the grip on their throat was released. They inhaled for the first time without obstruction and smiled. “That sounds like a brilliant plan brother” they exclaimed. Then they fell silent being lost for words. Not knowing what was appropriate to say in the moment. Perhaps it would be better if they stayed silent. Allow Rohaan to talk. His voice was so calming it would hopefully offset their nerves. Although he couldn’t read or write Vanquiel knew that he was smart and wasn’t just a ruffian or a hooligan. He was a multifaceted person who couldn’t be put in one box. They could recognise the skill within him.