The younger sibling could swear that Rohaan was the only one who could look straight through them and see their soul. “Rohaan, I am fine I swear” they lied shifting uncomfortably under his gaze. Why were they so nervous? It hadn’t happened before. Usually they were cool and collected in the face of a mission. “I love your plan!” they exclaimed wanting Rohaan to stop talking and laughing. The complete juxtaposition between them was uncanny. “Do you only have the capacity to think of alcohol?” they asked, trying to not sound as unjustifiably pissed as they were. Vanquiel didn’t drink often, when they did they drank to get drunk, completely shit faced. To numb themselves. There wasn’t a way of them mediating themselves so they just decided to not drink. Their mood swings made no sense not even to them. Practice. That would be nice. If they had the act down they may not be as nervous. They were a natural born actor but before a performance they would always doubt their abilities. “That would be splendid” they chuckled as their aristocratic accent came to the front taking center stage. They were impressed with how stealthy their brother could be, he usually was brash but when it came to this mission he had been very committed and careful. The book had been all that Vequaniel had been reading since they had started to plan this mission, this heist. “Oh of course Lord Girard” they smiled bowing slightly to their brother who was acting as the local baron. “Galelallan is a beautiful place it is an island near to Eplax, it is ruled by my father King Regulus. It is a country of peace, we haven’t had a part in a war in almost a millenia. Our native language is Acdani though we strive to teach as many languages as possible to our natives so we can welcome as many people as possible” they had created this place with their brother in mind. “Father has told me much about this place and it is wonderfully different to Galelallan.” they hoped that Rohaan would approve their performance.