[@Blackmist16] [h1] [center] [color=f7941d][u][b]Micah Aarseth [/b][/u][/color] [/center] [/h1] The stranger looked up at Juila; the goat’s eyes staring back at her. He found it somewhat amusing that she would think he was half man and half animal, but that was far from true. “We are no half-human half best; we are evolved from apes the same as you. And our name is Micah” He was smirking underneath his mask. Lifting it up so that the one named Julia could see his mouth; something she noted was the many scars and also how pale his skin was. Taking a big sip from the glass of milk; He made a sour-looking face since he hated goat milk ironically enough. Letting out a sigh and wiping his mouth with his sleeve before continuing to speak. “We are here to gain knowledge; our journey took us to a forest filled with the unnatural. We were the only ones to escape; the others were not so lucky” Putting his mask back on he was staring at Julia. “We found a lot of ancient knowledge; we have the book in our possession. But we fear that we are being followed; someone might steal our book” He said now eyeing the doorway of the tavern.