[quote=@Fabricant451] I can't say I agree with you on this, because with the armory boost and the adventurer in need stuff plus just good old dungeon running, levelling jobs has rarely been enjoyable. Plus leves and the like make the crafting jobs way easier than ever. I'm curious what aspect you didn't enjoy and if it was POTD then I guess that's understandable. [/quote] It sounds like you do agree, maybe? I dunno. *shrugs* I don't know how much "fun" I had playing FF14 exactly. Since the combat is fairly mindless for the class I played. (Summoner) Admittedly, I wasn't exactly enthralled by the story either. (Which is supposed to be its greatest strength.) But it was an alright experience. (Probably due to playing with others. Though it *is* that kind of game.) Certainly never runs out of quests to throw at you, even if a lot of them are "teleport to one side of map, and then teleport back again." But I was just itching to play an MMO again. Though I was really starting to feel the grind while trying to level certain jobs. Since most of it involved finding particular items that I needed to craft. Having no NPC that sells that item. Using the shop, then dreading the fact that everyone sells things overpriced and in bulk. Soul sucking is a hyperbole. But it was just tedious enough that I wondered if I could be playing more engaging things instead.