[hr][Center][h1][color=Gold]Tarak[/color][/h1][/center][hr] The fighting had finished, as Tarak watched the fighting unfold. He witnessed Abaddon's skill, Nero's deftness, yet when his gaze was cast upon Narvia and Finbarr, he was dumbstruck. He watched as they floundered about with the two of them, and got hurt in the process. Not just any simple wounds, Narvia had suffered immense 3rd-degree burns across 25% of her body. Honestly, if not healed in short order, she will die from the lack of water in her system. As his gaze turned to Finbarr who was almost toying with his opponents. Tarak was happy the helmet hid his face, honestly, he was disappointed, not at how they handled the fight, but how Narvia seemed to react to the whole thing. Tarak looked away towards the door to see the Ascendancy come in and give them the news. [I][Color=gold]'That's good at least. They think we're with them'[/color][/i]. As they traveled back, he was silent during the ride, it was nothing unusual, he just didn't want to talk after watching that shit show of a fight. Back on the ship, he was given a once over by the Doctor before he was told to rest up. Even though he was more than combat-ready, yet Tarak knew the Doctor just wanted to make sure he was okay. So Tarak left to his room to rest, knowing the next stop is Plenty, unless Natasha wants to make any other detours for some godforsaken reason. [Center]====================Heading to Plenty====================[/center] Tarak had re-armed and was ready to head down to retrieve their AI. Tarak had known a few AI in his time, many knew multiple emotions and felt real. So this was like busting out any other person to him. Tarak was ready to take [i]actual[/i] lead again, as he was even given liberty to split up everyone into teams. He knows each of them well enough to get a basic understanding of who will work well together, so now he began to figure out what is the exact game plan. Were they charging in? Sneaking through? All that depended on what was there. However they had no clue what is down there, all they could be certain of was that if the Ascendancy has people on the ship then they would need to be wary. He built a game plan with this exact contingency in mind, as he slowly laid out the plan to the group. [color=gold]"Alright everybody, listen up. We don't know what is down there, so we will go in with the idea that there will be Ascendancy inside, and we'll be working around them."[/color] As he looks to Flame and Ashton as he continues with his plan, [color=gold]"We will not make a Communication blackout, Kherol knows we are here, and I know he isn't stupid enough to think we are just some random band of idiots who got lost in space for long. He might have even passed along that us Magic inclined kids are here and should be wary of them, so we will have to do this the old fashion way"[/color]. As Tarak looked back to everyone and started to point people out as he spoke, [color=gold]"Alright, so were are going to be splitting up into teams: Flame, Ashton, and Narvia will be team one of the infiltration group."[/color] Tarak then turned his attention to the next group he has in mind, [color=gold]"Nero, Samuel, and Iris, you will be team 2 of the infiltration group. " "The job you Six have is to enter from the top, with Iris' magic, as then you guys will be using stealth to find the Realist and get out as the decoy team goes in ."[/color] As Tarak's eyes began to cast over the rest of the crew, [color=gold]"Myself, Trajan, and Avelyn will be Decoy 1. Our job, with Decoy 2, will be acting as support to those we find inside as we will be acting as a group who is meant to collect the Realist. Decoy 2 will consist of Finbarr, Laurey, and Millard. Fin I need you to age yourself up to blend in with us older looking people. And Laurey you will be acting as an engineer to make sure the Realist is intact. So brush up on your knowledge of AI"[/color]. After that, Tarak casts his eyes to the next group, the group who will be staying up on the ship, [color=gold]"Phi, Ariel, Amy, I need you three to act as support as you will try to find the communications room and reroute all comms to never leave this ship. You will then use what is left on the ship to tell us information you can find with the cameras, and any developments that are made."[/color] As Tarak casts his eyes to the last of the crew, their Captain and Abaddon, [color=gold]"I assume you already know why you do not need for me to tell you what to do. You two will be on the ship because of precautions to keep the ship safe and secure"[/color] As finally the plan is laid out in full bare. The Decoy teams will be sent in through the entrance to 'search' for Realist, and take them off of the Ascendancy Troops hands, as they will act as the distraction as the Infiltration teams will head in to find Realist. Each infiltration team is equipped with a Micro Electro Magnetic Current jammer, provided by Samuel & Iris through magic, which will be activated and deactivated when they are to take down someone. Once found, the Infiltration teams will head back outside, where they will wait for the Decoy teams. The Decoy teams are meant to be there to distract the Ascendancy Troops, and if they get hostile, which they probably might, are meant to take them down quickly as the communications team will go and take control of the ship and all functions to help with the search and keep communications quiet. After which, this is where we will use the Rebels to our advantage, we will send a message to them, to raid the ship to look as if they took Realist, which is where we will leave as if we were overwhelmed by them. At that point, we will leave for off-world and leave looking like we were called off-world, which is where we will go off the radar and exit the stage like we were never here. Tarak knew this plan had holes, yet it was better than going ham-fisted with no plan and just getting screwed once they leave as there is a barricade keeping them here. And most of the captains are probably aware the Realist is not meant to leave the Plenty. Was this slightly sacrificing some of the Rebels? Yes. Did Tarak think this was bad? No. The rebels were fucked from the word 'Go', this barricade that kept them there is the same thing that is keeping the Planet under lockdown. Once they run out of materials, the Ascendancy was going to land a large hammer on this planet, best to use your resources now rather than lose them. Tarak didn't tell anyone how he thought though, he knew many people would back-lash at the mere idea of him thinking like this. Yet what needed to be done was set in front of him [Center]====================Start of Operation====================[/center] With the prep he did, Tarak was ready to head down. He had gotten prepared a set of fake IDs for each person, personnel information, a new name, rank, and had set stories for each person. It was interesting, Tarak seemed to have a level of knowledge in doing this that was extraordinary. Honestly, he knew a bit, he had Phi help him a good bit to really clean everything up. As these were to make sure the Decoy teams had a smooth time trying to at least get on the ship before anyone asks otherwise. He knew the plan would fail somewhere, he was ready for it, this plan was cobbled together, but it was better than nothing. [@Letter Bee] [@Th3King0fChaos] [@The Man Emperor] [@Landaus Five-One] [@FalloutJack] [@Conscripts] [@dragonpiece] [@Starlance] [@samakama] [@jdh97] [@6slyboy6] [@Jade Kiyo]