Emmaline's eyes brightened at the idea, but she shook her head after a moment. Much as she wanted the old sleaze brought down a peg or two she didn't want him executed or imprisoned. Not the least of which there was the issue of what would happen to her if her master were suddenly to be taken out of the picture. Traditionally, when a wizard died, his associates had the choice to adopt the apprentice. Given the quality of Albrecht's 'associates' that might be trading one problem for another. A least Albrecht was happy just to collect his money and let her go about her business, something she couldn't be sure about with his disreputable drinking buddies. If no one stepped forward to claim her, the college itself would find her another master. That might be even worse as a by the book wizard might expect her to study, do chores and generally compel her to work, all of which were very much against her nature. "I don't think we want to implicate him," she said musingly, flopping down on a couch with a generous bounce. "But maybe if he thought we could implicate him..." she went on. A slow smile spread across Amal's face as he followed her logic. "What do the call blackmail in the Empire?" he asked. "Blackmail," Emmaline responded with a smile.