Well, this pow-wow was going well! Everyone was giving details about why they became adventurers, and it seemed like everything was hunky-dory between them. [color=CC6633][b]"Y'know, it sounds like your tribe is a lot like how the steppe is. Lotta small tribes that disagree or fight. Though, my home's not as big on wiping other tribes out. Instead, we have a competition to see who leads for a few years,"[/b][/color] the archer said, thinking that maybe that might be of some use for their Lizard friend to consider. Naturally, she knew nothing of the other tribes that Big Red was speaking of, but she felt like a system like that makes a physically minded group content, since, really, friendly competition means that there's no dispute over a winner. Stretching her arms to the sky and straightening her back, Steppe Archer beamed, finishing her stretches before turning to look at her companions. [color=CC6633][b]"Wanna go see about that sword and some more quests? I'd like to keep it, but I'd need to practice to be any good with a straight sword."[/b][/color] Today she hoped would be better than yesterday, far from goblins and the thoughts of how if they were less prepared, the red-haired girl's fate could have been her's.