[h1]Isaiah[/h1] Isaiah turned his head to the techpriest, and held his hand up, "No injections at the moment please, but greetings." he said smiling softly, at least there was someone vocally cordial in the room. "If I am dying then I may change my mind... those drugs affect the mind, and I'd rather stay somewhat sane for the moment." "But, before the captain gives us our orders, and his word... we should come up with some form of a plan or a set up for how we will conduct ourselves on a ship full of enemies unknown to us. Preferably before our ship becomes a hulk and some young explorer decided to venture into it only to be sassed by the silver-spooned woman there." "Because Emperor forbids her several human lifetimes of learning sarcasm and sass goes to waste floating in the void of space." He rolled his eyes and checked his shotgun once again, opening the bolt slightly to see the loaded shell. He let go of the arm and let it hang from his shoulder once again. He lifted his hat and ran his hand through his hair, pulling a few loose strains out and looking at his slowly balding head unamused. Maybe more graphing will fix that, once he gets back. He lowered his hat and looked up and around at those in the room, maybe being old isn't that bad. Although, if he hadn't have had some graphing previously his looks would have soured like aged milk. Well, at least his personality didn't sour as the knife-ear did in her youthful age of older than the dirt beneath him when he was born. He continued to think about it, I wonder if she can read minds, I wondered if the psyker can read minds. He was waiting for the Rogue Trader to tell them to do something before he got bored and started trying to figure out some way to push the Eldar woman's buttons or find a way to get a drink of some kind.