[@Zanavy][@Blackmist16] I'm glad you two are interested! I enjoy the warping of character archetypes you two are doing. I've personally got the idea of playing a crazy cultist who has multiple dark powers inherited through the worship of his god, except; he slowly starts to lose faith in his god through a series of rational epiphanies, e.g "wait, why would I want to release a chaos god that would throw my life away like debris as soon as we meet?" The risk outweighs the reward, and instead of being bat-shit insane, my character is slowly rehabilitated by living a mundane middle-class lifestyle - becoming more of a "straightman" to other characters in the process, while also losing his special eldritch powers due to not embracing madness like his god wanted. Whenever he gets mad or irrationally upset albeit, he is able to use his abilities to an extent, which are incredibly powerful, which adds a special wildcard to his character: he's both an incredibly powerful villain as well as an incredibly weak one. It just depends on how much other characters/people annoy him.