A few small droplets of water landed on Dete's nose. The girl jumped when they hit her, yet she didn't bother to wipe them off. Having spent many long minutes soaking in the sun, she appreciated a bit of cooling mist. Raising her head to the sun once more, she closed her eyes and prepared to relax. However, her relaxation was cut short when she heard a long, loud horn. Her deep blue eyes blinked open, and she took a few steps back, away from the edge of the ship. Dete was closer to the end of the ship, where there were less people crowding the deck. She did rather like it this way; nobody was there to yell in her ear or yank her around. The young woman did enjoy talking to people, however, she found that she got extremely frustrated when people tend to start yelling or acting like maniacs when they are excited. For that reason alone, she preferred to avoid events such as parties or gatherings. Sometimes people didn't know when to stop. Dete whistled. Her Staravia swooped down from the sky, and landed on her outstretched arm. "That's a good girl..." she praised the Pokemon, and lightly pet it's head. The Staravia seemed quite content with the praise it got, for it leaned in closer and closed its eyes. After a few seconds of time with her Staravia, Dete put the Pokemon back in its Pokeball. After doing so, she began to make her way around to where the Pokemon rangers would be meeting. She was excited and ready to prove her worth. Dete spent nearly her entire teenage years learning, so she didn't feel intimidated or nervous in the slightest. She walked around the back of the boat, and stopped when she saw other trainers. "Hey," she greeted out to anybody who was willing to listen. Taking a spot beside a few other people, Dete made herself comfortable. She lightly felt the Pokeball that her Staravia was in and looked around. It was certainly an interesting crowd, and she hoped that she'd grow to get to know some of the people better. Dete did know, however, that she wouldn't be able to be friends with absolutely everyone. That's just how life works. Instead, she hoped for the best, and prepared herself for the adventures to come.