[table][row][cell]Hideo Sarutobi[/cell][cell]"Compromise is a lie told to abdicate duty."[/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/WnDn1y1.jpg?1[/img][/cell] [cell]"I can handle long range from the water", Botan chimed in, raising his hand slightly as if he were back in school. Hideo nodded to Botan and Ichika and tapped his temple as if pressing a button. Indeed, his eyes widened for a moment and then his eyebrows furrowed, but then his face fell into non-expression again. He addressed Mizuraki flatly, "Your suggestion is meritorious. We will use the clones to explore and flush out the underground, but we will do so in two staggered waves. We will need a team to stay behind and follow through after the way has been cleared or until threat has been assessed. We will need a way for the team behind to reach the island, if the underground proves unable to be traversed. Attacking the shore will require a large enough force to breach their defenses and we will be at a disadvantage. We can only assume that they chose an island for its defensibility. They must be able to use the water. For this to work, we must reach the shore." Hideo to each of the assembled shinobi before proceeding any further, "I will stay behind and lead the underground team. I am the least important of us and I stand the best chance of survival, if our enemies decide to collapse the tunnel. Our most powerful forces should be focused on the beach. Decide among yourselves who I will lead into the caves and who will take to the sea. I presume you are more aware of your charges' abilities than I am", he said with a lazy wave of his hand. He unceremoniously began to walk away only to slightly turn and say, "Ichika, I must talk to you before we begin... follow", and walked into the woods. [/cell][/row][/table]