[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201209/16b7e34379604744b8264a07bb348cd2.png[/img] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/e7c8246fb4228f878c706bb4388b8f253893638f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f62725350377a44356a6f486676513d3d2d3735333131323036342e313564326561613034643561323064343733393834353037373339342e676966[/img] [color=BC8DBF]__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________[/color] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=lightgray] Jasper didn’t want to come to Second Horizons for Christmas. In fact there were a million other things that she’d rather do before coming to camp, but her father hadn’t left her any choice. Either she went to Second Horizons and took her punishment, or Ty would face the repercussions. It was the thought of Ty suffering anymore for her than he had already that forced her onto the camp bus. She was sure to check in with the people holding the clipboards before boarding the bus, grimacing at the enthusiasm that they projected. The vehicle smelled like feet, and was already full of campers that she wasn’t interested in talking to, looking at, or breathing the same air as. Walking to the very back of the bus and flopping down in the right hand seat, Jasper placed her bag beside her, signaling that she didn’t want anyone else in the seat with her. Putting her playlist on shuffle, slipping in her earbuds, and leaning her head against the window, Jasper rode to camp silently as the ever growing rage boiled inside of her. Stepping off the bus and gathering her bags, Jasper rolled her eyes at the sight of the snow. How on earth was she supposed to walk in heels in this shit? This fluffy, blinding, slick, [i]shit[/i]. Jasper had always preferred autumn over any other reason, and seeing the snow only deepened her hatred for the winter months. With a deep breath, Jasper grabbed a suitcase in each hand as she did her best not to lose her balance. Noticing that people were starting to gather at a very large tree, she figured that she might do the same. Taking in the scene around her, Jasper barely had time to see the blur in front of her before she was knocked to the ground. Very aware that she was trapped between the cold snow and someone who had their face buried in her boobs. The collision had knocked her suitcases from her hands, leaving them free for her to swat at the person on top of her while she screamed obscenities. [color=BC8DBF]”Get the [i]hell[/i] off of me you lump of fuck. Ser --”[/color] [color=50c878]“Shit. You’re hot babe! Like the-floor-is-lava hot!”[/color] Standing up and brushing the snow off of her [url=https://www.celebzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/elizabeth-gillies-out-and-about-in-ny-_1.jpg]jacket,[/url] Jasper glared at the young man standing in front of her. [color=BC8DBF]”Are you insane,”[/color] she scoffed, looking at him in disgust as she picked up her luggage. [color=BC8DBF]”What kind of jackass just runs around knocking people into the fucking snow?”[/color] [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]