Faye enter the Pokémon Center and set Lileep cage down and hears the sound of rattle of keys. “Good Work, Aura.” Faye said as her Lucario nods and hands the keys to her trainer and Faye open Lileep’s cage with one of the keys. Sylveon waits for Lileep comes out of the cage May the Sylveon does not scare the Lileep. Faye quickly opens the cage to Arctozolt, Faye carries him to a room as her Lucario follows them to the room. Faye sticks a IV into Arctozolt as a Max Revive and a Full Restore enter Arctozolt’s system. She watch him as she sends out Eski the Ninetailes, just in case that she needs help from her Pokémon. Aura the Lucario use Heal Pulse to heal Faye’s hurt hand as they wait for Arctozolt’s reaction. Meanwhile Faye’s Arcaine notices a Gengar coming towards the Pokémon Center and the Gengar smell like the lady who help his trainer to save the two mythical Pokémon.