just one more thing, sleeping [quote=@SleepingSilence] But I just can't sit there and cook/fish. I'll go insane. [/quote] I hesitate to say anyone can play videogames wrong, but this is dangerously close to having the wrong mindset going in. Speaking as a guy who got fishing to 80, fishing sucks big time. But the thing is, it's also extremely optional. Not only are there two other gatherers you can use for Beast Tribe quests (which I don't think you even got to), but being an active gatherer requires a radically different mindset compared to being someone who's in it for the combat classes. You almost need to be thinking you're playing Runescape instead of FFXIV 'cause it takes a similar grind mindset for it. Even then, you can level Fisher/Miner/Botanist and all the crafting classes ludicrously easy through Levequests. It would only take you a couple days to, at the very least, get most everything at 70 (if not maxed out purely on Leves, as I have done on a fair number of them). And this is only if you want to do it; plenty of people in my FC and a couple of my friends don't even bother with the crafter/gatherer aspect of the game. There's only one thing the game 100% definitively asks of you to do: Get a class to 80 and do the story. The rest is all up to your discretion. You can pick and choose which elements of the MMO you want to engage with, and if you're not engaging with craft/gather, you'll do just [i]fine[/i]. Either you buy what you need off the MB or you bother a crafter/gatherer friend to make something for you if you need it for whatever reason.