[h3]World in Mist[/h3] This is a simple open-world RPG with [url=https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Roleplay/RollToDodge]Roll-To-Dodge[/url] mechanics, where players can do whatever they want in a vast unknown world. There will be a focus on minimalism and simplicity here. The point is for people to be able to jump right in and start playing, with minimal reading/planning/effort. The world will start out as unknown/blank, and will create itself as the game proceeds. Players are advised to create a character with any kind of format and depth of detail, though simple is preferred (example fields: name, description, abilities and/or inventory). Player characters can perform one or more [u]underlined actions[/u] whenever they want in the IC thread, which the GM will resolve by rolling a d6, the results of the action depending on the roll: 1 - Epic failure: The action backfired horribly. 2 - Failure: The action basically failed. 3 - Partial success: The exact degree of success will be determined by the GM. 4 - Success: The action was carried out adequately. 5 - Epic success: The action succeeded in an extremely positive way. 6 - Overshoot: Though the result was achieved, the action backfires horribly due to disproportionately large effect. Players can do anything they want using underlined actions, whether they make sense or not. [i]Literally anything[/i] can be an action! Players can also interact and do stuff without using underlined actions (such as general dialogue and such), though such posts may not have much direct impact on the game. This will be jump-in, so even making a character is not required, though it is suggested (otherwise you may be referred to as your user name in game). Feel free to go ahead and start posting any character actions in the IC. I will try to update this at least once every few days.