[b][i]Natasha Zhang[/i][/b] "To think the Ascendancy would get rid of such a brave and capable person like your godfather," Natasha said to Narvia, her tone bitter and carrying more of the frontier 'Qingdao Accent' than usual. Then she continued, "Shows they know nothing of capability." As Avelyn put forth a plan, then Tarak brought forth his own strategy, Natasha said to him, "Good plan - Probably the best we can come up with." Then she turned to Abaddon and said, "I hope you don't mind staying with me, by the way - I know full well you'd rather be in battle." Then she turned to Finbarr and said, "Thank you for being honest about your powers and how they work. This will be very useful for extraction, especially as we need to escape as fast as possible before they catch on..." [b][i]Ashton and Flame[/i][/b] Ashton and Flame instinctively saluted Tarak, before Ashton said, "We're ready to accompany the 'Princess' to get ahold of Realist, sir." Flame then spoke, "Just call her Navi, Ashton - You know calling her 'Princess' makes me jealous..." A faint smile, indicating that no, he wasn't jealous at all. "That said, Navi is one of the best people we can have with us - We should work on keeping her safe." Ashton briefly held out his right palm, cupped it, then created a whirling globe of wind before saying, "Oh, we [i]will[/i] make sure she's safe. We're family, after all." "So are the rest of us," Flame looked at Nero, then the rest of them. "We'll protect each other." [b][i]Blue Crow (NPC)[/i][/b] Blue Crow inched forward towards the Circle of Hell's long wreck, avoiding the third which had been broken off by the crash. Accompanying him were four metallic soldiers who looked like robots to most eyes, metallic soldiers which were more physically capable than normal humans. Blue Crow avoided even [i]thinking[/i] of what his troopers were actually made of - Best to absorb himself into the role he had chosen. [i]Don't even think of your [b]other[/b] companion. Traitor to the Star Marines, killer of their friends, and now... The one who is taking the Bounty with us.[/i] A pause as he approached his entry point, a loose plate which ought to lead to the lower corridors, which in turn led to the prisons. [i]For now, the goal. All else must fade before it...[/i] [@Letter Bee][@Th3King0fChaos][@The Man Emperor][@Landaus Five-One][@FalloutJack][@Conscripts][@dragonpiece][@Starlance][@samakama][@jdh97][@6slyboy6][@Jade Kiyo]