[color=00aeef]"Get into cover!"[/color] Adrianne did not need the second warning. Her psychic senses were flaring up with alarm that something was terribly wrong with the position they were currently in. Too open, too exposed, and with a powerful feeling of ill-will from the house she had recently indicated. No sooner had she stepped behind a heavy ornamental slab than a roar of heavy bolter fire ripped through the open plaza - hundreds of miniature explosions demolishing the stone floor and light cover with ease! She saw a spray of heavy bolter fire pass nearby, causing a beautiful fountain to simply disintegrate in a mist of stone and small rocks being flown about. [color=a187be]"Emperor's blood, since when did they bring a heavy bolter?!" [/color]Adrianne shrieked in frustration. [color=00a651]"I can't get an angle on them from here, get me up there Smiles. I don't think this barricade will hold long enough to run in and up six flights of stairs. We can cut off anyone trying to escape from two directions then."[/color] The psyker turned to face the shorter armsman standing behind the metal barrier just a few feet away from her own cover. [color=a187be]"That's a bad idea... " [/color]She muttered, before glancing about. [color=a187be]"But staying here is even worse! Very well, do what you can to help us. I will take Stukov to the floor with the heavy bolter!"[/color] Adrianne called back, taking a step forward; the tall psyker suddenly disappearing and reappearing next to Stukov and grabbing his arm. [color=a187be]"Lock and load, armsman."[/color] With that, she channeled her powers once more - focusing her mind on the house where the fire was coming from. Then in a violent ripple of purple light, the armsman and psyker would vanish! For a brief instance, Stukov would feel every fiber of his being dragged across a vast, starlit black expanse. An unnatural sense of peril assaulting any primal instinct as a set of large demonic eyes eyed him for a moment with malicious glee - before he was sucked back into the materium along with Adrianne! In a flash, they appeared in a finely made dining room turned into makeshift bunker. Six cultists were in the room, manning a large heavy bolter positioned against one of the windows. They were garbed in fine blue silk jerkins beneath black imperial guard flak armor and wearing vicious, gold-trimmed masks in the visage of leering, demonic faces. Fortunately, they seemed surprised at the sudden appearance, two of them still busy operating the heavy weapon, another two busy with the ammunition, meaning that only two of them were actually clutching their lasguns! Yet further voices from the other rooms and levels of the house could suggest a greater number of cultists still. [color=a187be]"Attack!"[/color] Adrianne shouted, gesturing with her hand as she drew on the residual energies left behind by their teleport - and pointing her palm at one of the cultists holding his lasgun. An unnatural howl echoed through the room as brilliant sparks of incinerating purple lightning that shot into him, blasting the cultist through one of the wooden walls!