[quote=@seanmcchapman] [u]kirby.png tries to attempt to comprehend where he is as he "walks" in scene.[/u] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51kUTohPdBL._AC_UL480_FMwebp_QL65_.jpg[/img] Kirby, like always, is running in a blind rage punching at the ground as he moves onward, toward the thief and wrestler. [u]If kirby.png strikes them with a full speed ram this will surely cause brain damage to them and kirby.png. [/u] [/quote] [h3][3][/h3] kirby.png's comprehension is a little fuzzy, but he seems to find himself in a moderately lit room resembling a bar as he "walks" into the scene. Many of the locale's patrons have cleared the way for a fight that appears to be going on. [h3][3][/h3] Kirby runs in a blind rage punching at the ground as he moves onward in the direction of the thief and the wrestler. Kirby rams into them, but his aim is a little off, knocking them away to the side and causing mild brain impairment in the form of dizziness to all involved. Also apparently the thief had disappeared at some point beforehand, and the guy who appeared to be the thief and got hit was actually a spectator. [hr] [quote=@Blackmist16] Mortus being an esteemed thief well learnt in the ways of Yeet-Fu, attempts to [u]blend in[/u] with the crowd of gathering spectators in order to [u]get away[/u]. [/quote] [h3][6][/h3] Mortus blends in with the crowd of gathering spectators perfectly... too perfectly, in fact, that he was mistaken as another patron by the bar owner--a patron who apparently owed a large tab. "Hey you, it's time you paid up the 1600 silvers you owe!" The bar owner points and barks at Mortus. Meanwhile, the crowd and the other fighters have lost track of Mortus, and are not able to locate him at all. [hr] [quote=@Bork Lazer] "Ah, a new contender!," Pebble exclaims, ignoring the thief, and [u]dives down in a clothesline[/u] towards the pink marshmallow blob. [/quote] [h3][6][/h3] Pebble dives down in a clothesline towards kirby.png, slamming him hard onto the ground. So hard, in fact, that the pink marshmallow blob bounced back up with equally tremendous force and knocked Pebble into the air, sending him crashing down onto a nearby table. A dramatic "ohhh!!" resounds from the spectating crowd.