This one time in a Wild West D&D setting I was a very bad ass Variant Human Monk. It was my first D&D game ever with a few folks from RPGuild. I no longer have record of exactly what was happening but one of our party was a weird snake lady named something like Miss Prescott. We were investigating a weird ass cabin for some kind of bounty hunting group. So we sneak up on the cabin and we hear weird rustling and talking noises coming from inside so we all get up on the door. We try listening in harder but it's still just weird rustling and moany talking sounds. So it's either zombies or people fornicating or zombie people fornicating. Cool, we know how to handle this. We all get around the door in position. The plan is simple and also mad sick. Fully mad sick. My monk is going to spinning back kick the door off it's hinges and then rush in there with his shotgun and if there's anything in there that's undead and not fornicating he's gonna blast it while the others pour in with their six shooters and snakey bits and other cool shit. I roll to Chuck Norris down the door and fail miserably. My bad ass Shotgun Monk missed a sick ass spinning back kick on a stationary inanimate door and instead very undramatically just opened it and rushed in. The undead weren't for fornicating, we did shoot them. Then we came upon a ladder and my Bad Ass Monk failed a climb check and fell down the hole. At least he didn't negligently discharge his weapon into someone. RIP Cowboy Monk