[quote=@spiral origin] Hmm yeah usually these things are GM updates only, but if you guys want to try it for PvP actions, I'm okay with it. Anything that's not purely PvP like interacting with the world/NPCs would still require GM resolution. Also, when a PvP action is resolved by GM it may come with world-relevant consequences which may affect other players/NPCs, which would be more limited for player self-resolution. The IC formatting to keep "GM action resolution" posts organized is another concern of mine, but I suppose that's not too tough. Overall it feels a bit iffy to me but I'm not against trying it for PvP actions if you guys would like to, given all affected parties agree to the decided outcome. [/quote] Cool, I do like how you've been working rue game so far gm, I was just thinking about if someday the thread went ded but people wanted to carry on. Tho it can be done else were any was IG. I think maybe we should just stock with the set rules with the gm outcome tho but you know maybe if we get more judges it can speed things up if your offline spiral, but that's just a GAME THEORY. Idk forget about it, I just like blabbering allot tbh