Blackmist16 as [hider=Bulk Muscles ] [b]Race:[/b] Mortal (Hooman) [b]Abilities:[/b] Hit stuff reel gud. [b]Size:[/b] 8ft. [b]Weight:[/b] Consumes his greens. [b]Background:[/b] Grew up learning to use his bare fists as meat pulpers, fought in WW39 and came back a celebrated war hero with metals of honor...they were tasty treats for our hero. But he thirsted for justice and for some free Internet hot spots on every street corner until he was lost and found himself in another world and so the story began for... [center][h1][color=f7976a]Bulk Muscles[/color][/h1][/center] [/hider][hider=Kiara Sommers] Race: (Mortal) Human/Alien mix (3/4 human, 1/4 alien) Appearance: 5'9, female, medium-long dark green hair, pale skin with slight green-ish tint, light-violet-colored eyes, looks mostly human with slightly exotic features. Has a long green tail with leaves sprouting from it. Wears a t-shirt and a jacket, special-tailored pants with a tail sleeve, tennis shoes, and sunglasses when it's sunny. Abilities: Very agile, incredible balance, can stay alive without food/water slightly longer than normal humans, tail does taily things [/hider]