[quote=@seanmcchapman] Cool, I do like how you've been working rue game so far gm, I was just thinking about if someday the thread went ded but people wanted to carry on. Tho it can be done else were any was IG. I think maybe we should just stock with the set rules with the gm outcome tho but you know maybe if we get more judges it can speed things up if your offline spiral, but that's just a GAME THEORY. Idk forget about it, I just like blabbering allot tbh [/quote] Yeah that makes sense, I think having more GMs to resolve actions can definitely speed things up. And if I stopped being active for whatever reason it would be nice if there were other GMs who could keep it going, and perhaps they could instate new GMs, etc. Not sure how promoting new GMs works at this site yet. I suppose non-GMs can post in the IC as if they were GMs, but there would need to be some method of reaching a consensus. But yeah definitely some stuff to think about going forward~