Sohn tucked the knife into his belt. The coin was no great wealth, but a small piece of metal might come in handy, so he took that as well. While figuring out how to carry the apples, he heard the THUNK and automatically looked up and grabbed his staff. It was a strong reminder to not tarry here. Was it Claribel? Or something that had EATEN Claribel? Finding a way out was still his priority... maybe even MORE so now. After that he would re-assess the risks to continuing his search. Still wondering if there might be an exit from what he assumed was the kitchen, Sohn used his shepherd's crook to fully push open the door that Magolor had started to open. It was hard not to think about the imp's knife (at least Sohn [i]assumed[/i] it was the imp's knife) striking him down and Sohn kept his eyes away from the two bodies on the floor. When nothing happened he hesitantly poked around the doorframe with the lantern to look inside.