[hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wjbPELQ.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] Van, Veil’s Group -- Washington D.C. [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Enhanced Reflexes [/center] [hr][hr] Veil asked what their mutant names were. She had never given it thought. Besides her name was already fake. She didn't know her real name. A memory of her adoptive father, Jamie, telling her after a fight she won, that she was his champion. A smile tickled the edges of her lips. And she tried to think of a good word to pair with it. Andy looked at her hands, small sparks flickering between her fingers. [color=b71d5d]"Call me Thundering Champion."[/color] It wasn't the best name, but she liked it well enough still. It had a piece of Jamie in it. Every time she heard it she would also hear the pride in his voice. She hadn't been given a task, 'new girl' hadn't been plural. Did that mean that Veil had another plan for her, or was putting her with Glimpse and Stareyes? She twiddled her thumbs sitting in the back seat. Should she just ask. [color=b71d5d]"Uh, Veil. Where do you want me?"[/color]