Vitius nodded as he rose to his feet, his armor making a faint chinking sound as plate was brushed against plate from the sudden movement. As he made to go to find a room, however, two thoughts suddenly occurred to him. The first was that one, there was no food for him to eat here since his diet consisted of either human or animal blood, and the second was that he didn't have any money with which to pay. This place was foreign to him after all, and he doubted they just accepted the same currency he'd used for the last three hundred years. [color=#DD0000]"Excuse me,"[/color] he said, raising a gauntleted hand as he moved to get Harold's attention. [color=#DD0000]"But I'm afraid I lack the funds with which to pay you, being a foreigner to these parts and all. Furthermore..."[/color] Vitius leaned in closer, his voice falling to a whisper. [color=#DD0000]"You lack the one thing I need to survive, namely blood. I will find myself athirst before long, and I'd hate to have to slake it on any of your fine patrons during the middle of the night."[/color] [quote][@Blackmist16][/quote]