Sohn’s guess was correct; the room he entered was a kitchen. Faded wooden shelves could be seen ahead and around him. There was also some woodwork with a ceramic dishpan in it. Nearby was some kind of pump that could be used to get water. Charles Cornwall (or whoever built the mansion for him) had thought to drill a well next to the dishpan so the house’s occupants wouldn’t have to carry water in to drink or wash their dishes with. Most of the shelves were closed, but one was open; investigation of it would reveal it to contain a silverware divider with sections containing forks, spoons and knives used for eating. One section was empty though and it was the biggest one there. Looking to the left and right, the shepherd could see two closed doors. The one to the right was a double-acting door, while the one to the left was not. There were no windows or other means of escape, at least not in the kitchen. Thankfully, there were no more imps or other murderous creatures in the kitchen either.