[hider=Marrock, Lion's Sin of Pride] Name: [indent][b][color=f7976a]Marrock[/color][/b] [/indent] Age: [indent][color=f7976a][b]41 [/b][i](Appears 29)[/i][/color][/indent] Appearance: [indent][color=f7976a][b]Marrok's face was framed in dark unkempt hair, stubble, and protruding fangs that give away his dark origins.[/b][/color] [hider=Portrait][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/RvrXTYW/0f7c6008a0396d71e311728977269c97.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/indent] Race: [indent][color=f7976a][b]Vampire[/b][/color][/indent] Sin: [indent][color=f7976a][b]Lion's Sin of Pride[/b][/color][/indent] Backstory/how they got their sin: [indent][color=f7976a]Marrock was born under the sun's rays in the Kingdom of Edinburgh and, on his twenty-ninth birthday, he was born again... to the night. Twelve years ago, vampires who were imprisoned by the Demon King after their failure in the Holy War were suddenly freed through mysterious means. The clan established themselves in Edinburgh, massacring the population and turning them, too, into vampires. Marrock found himself amongst the changed. When his blood was once warm, Marrok made a living as an actor, using his innate ability of illusion to put on captivating performances that ushered in coin and fame. Arrogance was quick to follow, however, and the young man began demanding preferential treatment from merchants whilst despising and shaming those he deemed as dirty peasants. Marrock surrounded himself with what luxuries were available and never moreso than on his birthday. That night, the monsters attacked and chaos ensued. Thinking himself a warrior and a great speaker after having played one for so long, Marrock tried to stand up to the fiends, to reason with them. Their reply was swift and bloody. After being attacked, Marrock tried to hide amidst the chaos and hellish assault, using his abilities to camouflage his whereabouts. Just ahead of him, he caught notice of a poor, young girl. Her tears paved trails of cleanliness on dirt covered cheeks as she looked around desperately for her parents, her cries drowned out by the horrific screams of the townsfolk. The more he lost blood, the weaker Marrock became. He really only had enough energy to cast an illusion of concealment on one of them, but not both. She was gutter trash. He was the great Marrock, weaver of stories and master of fantasy. Marrock made his choice. Resistance to the curse became increasingly futile until Marrock finally had to give in to the darkness. Moments later, he was a new person. A ravenous, cold shadow of his former self, Marrock has walked the earth for over two decade as a vampire with an extraordinary set of gifts, the sight of that little girl being town to bits forever playing back in his mind, gnawing at his guilt, his sacrifice of innocence. Wallowing in mild depression, Marrock can be seen most haunting taverns and gambling tables, though you may just catch sight of him in the audience if a theatre troupe is in town.[/color][/indent] Powers: [indent][color=f7976a][b]Enhances abilities at Night (Racial)[/b][/color] Faster, stronger, more powerful... Marrock's abilities are naturally enhanced when the sun goes down. [color=f7976a][b]Regeneration (Racial)[/b][/color] Gifted with an unnatural ability to regenerate, which is enhances greatly by the consumption of blood. [color=f7976a][b]Possession (Racial)[/b][/color] The ability to feed on a victim and turn them into an undead slave. [color=f7976a][b]Light Manipulation (Sin Oriented)[/b][/color] The ability to manipulate light for a variety of applications, of which are still evolving. [color=f7976a][i]Angel's Touch[/i][/color] - A focused expulsion of light out of Marrock's palm resulting in a powerful laser blast. [color=f7976a][i]Devil's Sight[/i][/color] - Marrock can manipulate light particles to create visual illusions, though these illusions are not tangible. [color=f7976a][i]Bring The Night[/i][/color] - The ability to bend light away, creating shadow and darkness. He passively uses this power to keep an aura of darkness around himself, limited any irritation caused by the sun.[/indent] Side effects of powers: [indent][color=f7976a]Marrock's entire life force is fueled by blood consumption. His powers are no different; use of his powers drain him physically and significant displays would require a feeding to fully recover from.[/color][/indent] Sacred treasure: [color=f7976a][color=f7976a][b]Unquenchable Parasol Zepar[/b][/color] - A contactable umbrella composed of several metal, detachable razors. With a precise flick or gesture, the razors fly off of the umbrella's mast, soaring towards its target. Each blade can be recalled by will back to the umbrella. Fully composed, the umbrella also serves as a formidable shield and the magic imbued within the sacred treasure also allows for controlled flight, albeit only at casual speeds, not nearly fast enough for complex combat applications.[/color] [hider=reference][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/TwmRzzw/ming-yee-sheh-2018-12-09-12-17-10.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Extras: [color=f7976a][b]The Lion's Sin of Pride mark resides in his right palm.[/b][/color] [hider=Mark of Pride][center][img]https://cdn5.vectorstock.com/i/1000x1000/95/19/lion-head-tribal-tattoo-vector-20799519.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/hider]