It all happened so fast. It was like watching a car crash. Sylvia couldn't really pick up on the details, let alone be able to do anything, until it was too late. The cart already crashed and flipped over, causing the books to spill out along with sand. Sylvia looked to the lanky girl as she approached. Her words caught her attention, and she asked the lanky girl, "'Your research'? What happened? Was anyone else on that cart?" She recalled that she heard a voice call to her and Buddy as the cart was careening at them. There may have been a driver on that cart, and they could be hurt. She also noted that the girl seemed to be a scholar. She wasn't sure if the robes were the same as the ones she saw at the Maker's Temple the other day, but she wouldn't be surprised if this girl was a scholar at said temple. She then looked to Buddy when he approached her. She nodded to Buddy and told him, "I'm okay, Bud. But we should check and make sure nobody's hurt,"