Rohaan shook his head. "What greater pursuit is there than fine wine and even finer liquor? Or a cool ale at the end of a long, hard day's work? Suppose I'd have to do one of those first--a long day's work, but whatever. Pedanics..." he meant 'pedantics', but he often mixed his words up when speaking his second language. Vequaniel still seemed nervous though, or uneasy, or bothered by something, but he'd pressed once and they hadn't opened up about it, so he let it go. If it was a real problem, it'd come out sooner or later, anyway. Their use of their new accent made Rohaan remember he now needed to come up with a persona to wear until their plan for getting him into court was solidified and executed. And if they were going to be convincing, they needed similar enough features to be considered of the same people, as well as an accent to match. Of course, variations always existed in class and region, but there needed to be some commonality. It would be useful to establish what Acdani was, and he was already thinking his native Vokurian might work well. For one thing, he'd taught it to Vequaniel and Berlin when he was young, and Rohaan could just about guarantee that no scholar, however dedicated to their art, would know Vokurian. Since the humans spent all their time in the proximity of the Vokurian shapeshifters slaughtering or capturing them, they likely did not spend much time in study. These days, shifters were a rare find, as they purposely settled remote areas humans either couldn't access, like high mountain peaks, or didn't know about, like deep forests and remote, uncharted islands like the one Rohaan came from. That they had a native language at all was probably a surprise to any human. "Acdani..." he said, shifting seamlessly back to his own shape. "Could be Vokurian, if we ever needed to speak it. Nobody would know it but us. And what's our accent like? I'm trying to sort out my character..." He tried on a few shapes in quick succession, eventually landing on a sturdy, stoic-faced male shape with dark hair and clothes that Rohaan would call gaudy and ridiculous, though for the manservant of a foreign princess, no one would find it strange to see him dressed in a tunic of his kingdom's colors, trimmed with braided silk pauldrons at the shoulders. He even tried a few voices, settling on a deep, resonant baritone with an accent that was similar to Andromeda's, though a little less refined. "How's this, my lady? Or would you prefer a handmaiden?" Rohaan, and most shifters, he explained, were quite comfortable shifting between different gendered shapes. A shape was a shape, and there seemed to be no taboo about the differences in anatomy, either. Rohaan often balked at humans' strange preoccupation with hiding nakedness.