[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210102/04bd11e7fc562474def4f74fc6339e81.png[/img][/center] Hawkpaw nodded and slipped away to the freshkill pile as Blackmoon spoke with Emberstar; picking up a mouse and settling down nearby. Close enough that she could hear what was being said, but not to get under anyone's paws. She froze for a moment in chewing at the muttered words, but quickly continued on as if she hadn't been eavesdropping. [i][color=00a651]StarClan hasn't spoken to any of the medicine cats...[/color][/i] She'd heard some of the warriors tossing around rumors but she didn't think it was really true. Has StarClan truly abandoned them, now of all times? What would happened if they didn't speak to her? Could she really call herself a true medicine cat if they didn't? [color=9e0b0f][b]"We can only hope they've decided to end this silence,"[/b][/color] the leader's eyes tracked Hawkpaw for a moment as she bounded off before flickering back to Blackmoon, [color=9e0b0f][b]"but even if they do not we will prepare in our own way for what is to come. ThornClan will continue to prosper even if our ancestors seem to think otherwise."[/b][/color] Hawkpaw crept back up next to Blackmoon, having finished the mouse she had selected, and looked up towards Emberstar who fixed her with a piercing green gaze for just a moment. Was it desperation she saw in his eyes or a hope that maybe they would speak to her? She wasn't sure. Emberstar nodded in agreement, "I wouldn't send you with any less in these times." His gaze wandered around the camp a moment before settling on two of his warriors. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Stonefoot, Shadeclaw"[/b][/color] he flicked his tail to beckon the siblings over, [color=9e0b0f][b]"You'll travel with Blackmoon and Hawkpaw to the Moonbrook. A safe journey to all of you."[/b][/color]