He was enjoying the warmth that combatted the winter's air. He basked in the light. No animals were in this barn and Kirk rather'ed that. He preferred not smelling boiling blood. He got his fill not long ago and he was sick of it, but thinking about scooping up a "strawberry" snow cone sounded tempting. He passed on it, but decided to make a mental note to do it later. Kirk walked from the barn, picking up the jerrycan as went on the the road heading north. He saw something that didn't look quite right when he decided to look from the ground. A man. [img]https://previews.123rf.com/images/merrimon/merrimon1706/merrimon170600050/81262209-adult-hand-giving-red-snow-cone-cup-to-child-s-hand-at-farmer-s-market.jpg[/img]