Feeling dread Kirk listened a terrible "HHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG". [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/079/976/6a00d83452033569e2010535c74cb2970b-800wi.png[/img] Had he been found, he froze at the thought. He focused his hearing to the steps or were they stomps in the snow heading his direction. When would the screaming end?! WHAT WAS HAPPENING?! Kirk lifted his pocket pointing the gun that was within to the empty space to his side that he believed the man would pass after the fence. He didn't know the man was running over to the building, but he did assume he could catch this man off guard if he stopped to ask questions. ((Menacing)) [hider=Caption: visible fear] [img]https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5b9e9eff2600003600805a0e.jpeg?ops=scalefit_630_400_noupscale[/img] [/hider]