Talogan raised an eyebrow when he received the response to his message. He had only invited the former slaves around for breakfast, and yet they were replying as if he was inviting them to join the crew. Talogan figured that someone among the former slaves was insightful enough to discern his intent to offer places on his crew to them during breakfast. The crate of books arrived shortly after. The hour was late, so Talogan only read the first few pages of each book. Every time he found a holy text, he cast it scornfully into the ripping pile after confirming that each book was dedicated to a false god. When he had a free moment in the future, he would find no small of enjoyment in their slow and systematic destruction. Talogan stored the rest of the books on his bookshelf. The lore tomes, biographies, and manuals on crafting would all be read in time. The manuals on swordplay would probably be read last, if at all. Talogan had learned all their worthwhile lessons long ago under the instruction of his former captain. That didn't mean they were not of interest to Talogan. Though they didn't seem the type to be so, hobgoblins were just as prone to nostalgia as any other race was. Having finished reading for the night, Talogan had the now empty crate stored in the cargo hold for later use before retiring for the night. As he slept, Talogan dreamed that he was back at the fishing hamlet. Unlike when he was there previously, the hamlet a lot emptier than it was before. The buildings were still there but any sign that people had ever lived there was not. Talogan's crew wasn't there either. Neither was his ship. However, dream induced ignorance left him oblivious to these differences as he proceeded towards the temple and opened the door. The temple interior was deserted too. The corpses were not there and the room was completely empty save for the pool of holy water, the altar, the elven priestess, and the message written in blood. Much like when he wandered through the hamlet outside, the dream kept Talogan from noticing any of the differences as he approached the priestess. Soon enough, he was standing where he had stood only a few hours ago. But this time, without the potion to give to her, Talogan could only gaze down at this woman who had suffered so much simply because she had devoted herself to a pretender. Talogan began to do something. But before before he could do enough to know what he was doing exactly, the dream ended. Talogan awoke to the warm scent of Kulee's fish soup cooking nearby. Judging from the scent, he'd have just enough time to go sell off his loot before breakfast was ready. Talogan readied himself for the day, then knelt before the shrine to his gods and said his morning prayers. As he prayed, memories of the dream he had last night passed through his mind. Wave of unease washed over him, though he did not allow it to stop distract him. Once he was finished praying and all his gear has passed morning inspection, Talogan made his way topside. They had made port somewhat later than had been predicted due to difficulties in finding somewhere to dock. Most likely due to the fleet that had arrived yesterday. As he surveyed the surroundings, Talogan caught sight of the port guards poking around the ship and speaking with the slaves. “Hmm, seems that the port authorities are questioning the slaves.” Tayang mentioned as he drew level with Talogan. “Ought we explain the situation to em captain? Could help put the new lads in good faith if you cover for them.” "Ms. Orocho! With me." Talogan called out before looking to Tayang. "Ms. Orocho and I will handle the guards. In the meantime, have the wood, salt, and sailing canvas made ready to move. I intend to have it sold on before breakfast." With that said, Talogan went ashore with Nyx in tow and made his way over to the orc vessel. "Good morning." Talogan greeted as he moved within speaking range of the guards and former slaves. "These people are with me. Is there a problem here?" [hider=Rolls and Information] Crew Orders: Talogan orders the wood, salt, and sailing canvas be made ready to move. He then orders Nyx to follow him and provide advantage to rolls with the help action. Movement: Talogan moved to where the guards and former slaves are speaking. [/hider]