Oh, thank the gods... a way out of this death trap. Sohn made his way across the room toward the broken window, sparing a few glances at the piano, chairs, and other doors along the way. He held the lantern up, checking the window ledge and frame on the inside, looking for rot. Was this broken just recently? Or has the weather and elements had time to start destroying the interior? Then he looked to see if they were at ground level? Would escaping out that broken window be trivial or was he dealing with a drop that could break an ankle or worse? He knew he had a decision to make now. And nearly every part of him was screaming at him to just run. Tell the mayor to burn this place to the ground. But what if that 'thunk' had been Claribel? Frightened and alone? If she'd seen that purple devil, she might have just been too scared to call out. Could he really live with himself if he left her to die? He knew it would haunt him. Cursing internally, he knew he wasn't leaving. Not yet. First thing first... he'd take the time to ensure getting out here would be quick if needed - clearing away broken glass that could cut someone. And set up chairs as steps both inside and out with the idea that he might be carrying a little girl when he came this way again. Once that was done, he'd backtrack the way he came through the kitchen and dining room to the foyer (avoiding the hole in the foyer floor) and go up the stairs...