[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/KAPAYrr.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#60AAFF]Better than yesterday.[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Ashford Institute[/sub][/center] [indent][color=#93dcc0] After everything she did yesterday, she was pretty surprised that the person she was looking for did not even show up at all nor even thought that it was Cass making all this ruckus, after al she was the only one who Cass told about her mutation. She found herself laying in her bed, tired, after she was given detention and clean up duty for the mess she made. But knowing Cass, she was not done, nor will she ever be. She sprung off the bed and quickly slid on a hoodie but she was still mostly in her sleepwear, she slipped on her old shoes and moved out the door. There was immediate noise going on from this side of the place, someone was banging loud against someone's door and even threatened to [i]blast[/i] it, whatever that meant. She saw where the noise was coming from, and she did get a little curious. She got behind the girl who was knocking on the door and looked on from where she was, and low and behold it was the girl from yesterday, before the girl slammed the girl on the other door she gave her a quick smug wink and the look signifying that she might be up to her antics again. She placed her hand on the other girl's shoulder and turned her to face her. "[color=#60AAFF]Hey, got a question for ya',[/color]" Stated Cass, she pointed down the hallway and continued, "[color=#60AAFF]How much do you know about this place? Or atleast, the people in this place?[/color]" She then looked left and right as to make sure no one was listening, "[color=#60AAFF]I'm looking for someone, maybe you know 'em?[/color]" She asked, she did not expect an answer, after all this person was not exactly the quiet type so there was no way she would not have made herself known. [/color] [/indent][hr]