[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bAZxurC.jpg?1[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/54CqkrN.jpg?1[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/ooPeV7x.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center][b][u][h2]Team Mitsuyo[/h2][/u][/b][h2]Hana Bohi, Genjin Kani, and Kuroki Kyuusagi[/h2][/center] "Did anyone invite Mitsuyo-sensei", asked Kuroki. The bottle was almost empty but he doubted anyone would notice if he filled it up with something cheaper, at this point. He did. "N-no...", Hana answered looking away. "I... tried", said Genjin, sipping a newly poured cup that tasted a little different, or maybe he was a little too pickled to taste right, "Sensei was very busy." "Keh, he's always busy", said Kuroki with a frown, "How'd y'even get in ta see him? Thought he had a thousand layers of security." "I didn't do anything... illegal, if that's what you mean", said Genjin gloomily, "I left a message with one of his assistants and got a form letter the next day." Kuroki stroked his chin a little and then lowered himself to meet Genjin's height, as he was a little slumped over, "D'ya think he got it?" Genjin sighed, "I don't know...", and drained the rest of his cup. "Should have told him there was a kimono sale at... uh..." "Kyotique", chimed in Hana with an index finger pointed upwards. "Hah! Yeah, he [i]would[/i] shop there! Y'remember the time he stopped a mission halfway through t'go shopping because his kimono wasn't dramatic enough", replied Kuroki with a chuckle. "S-sensei had his reasons...", murmured Genjin. "Or what about the time he -urp- took us on that mission to the Land of Silk that we didn't even need to go on", said Hana a little loudly with her eyebrows screwed up into a somewhat childish anger. "Hah! Oh yeah!" "It was for cultural enrichment...", said Genjin defensively. "We spent the first two weeks at a spa", Kuroki countered, "I've never had cubicles that soft-" "Cuticles", Hana interjected. "-And then we got into a fight with the [i]other[/i] ninja team that had already been sent on the mission." "Hm...", said Genjin, turning a little red. "Oh yeah! And you got knocked out trying to stop the fight." "I-it was the steam from the sauna... I wasn't expecting to get into a fight in a towel on top of a hot tub with a... a..." Genjin was now a deep red. "Hah! So y'fainted? Don't blame you. She was cute. Hah! Oh yeah! And then they drew all over your face while you were passed out!" "ExcUSE me! But YOU were the one that drew on his face", said Hana, "I [i]tried[/i] to stop you... And she wasn't that cute." "...is that what happened? Well, it was a long time ago...", said Kuroki, like an old mystic, "And you're all still single..." "S-so are you", Hana exclaimed! "Yeah, but I don't have to be, losers. I've got lots a'girls trying to tie me down", Kuroki replied with a grin. "Ts! Lecher...", Hana replied pouring another drink, but then started counting the number of characters on the bottle. Genjin gave Kuroki a dirty look and took the bottle out of Hana's hands. She struggled to get it back, but fell on her face. "Well, maybe you need a lecher in your life, ever think of that, princess", Kuroki shot back with a sly smile. Hana's face stretched into a look of extreme displeasure and she very shakily raised herself to her full, but somewhat swaying, height and said, "I am perfectly happy being single, thank you very much!" Genjin's face fell into his lap. "Hello! I'm not too late am I", said a voice from behind. Mitsuyo-sensei had arrived.