[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200208/11ab2a550904b962041573fbfc392a1d.png[/img] [Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Morning [Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Campsite, Outskirts of Roshmi City [Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@Helo] Bowyn, [@Tae] Kenia, [@Dezuel] Elthrael, [@Alivefalling] "Vaeril", [@Howlsofwinter] Zephyrin [/center] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6vqgQo.png[/img][/center] Darius has listened quietly as the arguments between Elthrael and Keni continued, but then Bowyn was drawn into the bickering as well. Back and forth. This and that. The shared goal of the group was being muddied by their varying motives and goals. He sighed. It was better than speaking up and adding more fuel to the fire… They were at best, a dysfunctional ragtag group. If this was what the rebellion amounted to then Darius was right not to pick their side. Aklenroth was the tyrant of this story, but at least he was not doomed to fail. If Darius was going to risk his life to help the rest of his kind, then it was only natural he pick the winning side. Avalia was not his world, so he wouldn't meddle where did not need to. [Color=mediumpurple][i]Destroy the DROMs and this will all be a dream…I just have to deal with these guys being assholes to each other. Oh… lucky me.[/i][/color] When Aklenroth feigned weakness and leaned against a tree, Darius grunted and shook his head at him, at least until he presented the choice of sticking with him or leaving him behind. Darius pondered the decision presented all the while observing his current company. He watched Kenia pass with an unnecessary wave. He frowned. [Color=mediumpurple][i]Why?! Why are elves assholes?[/i][/color] He then watched as she whispered to Bowyn. At least those two got along, but it wasn't enough. Next, he glared up at Elthrael who had something in his sights before looking to Zephyrin who was pointing at smoke in the distance. [Color=mediumpurple]"I'll stay here. Vaeril and I will meet you all at the port or whatever… Might even beat you there if he sobers up. Right Vaeril?"[/color] Darius crossed his arms at his chest with the mournwine bottle still in hand. His eyes now on the smoke billowing into the sky from what he guessed was a fire in the distance. Friend, foe, or natural occurrence, he held no fear of it. Only curiosity.