[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/2AVljdo.gif[/img][/centre] There had been much discussion on how to proceed with the mission, but never did Alayna imagine that it would be such a boring affair for this long. Her eyes are drooping, her body not quite used to being awake at such a late hour. Being surrounded by the dead and the completely silent living isn't helping either, a part of her wanting to say something, anything, to break the monotony. Although, the witch supposes that there was a certain comfort in knowing that everyone is as tense as her. If the vampires were to show up now, they should have the element of surprise. To take that away from her team would be to play this whole thing off as a joke. And that surely may cost them a significant advantage, her eyes widening as the sound of an unfamiliar voice reaches her ears. The hair on Alayna's arms rises as the two vampires appear before her and her group, making their way in their direction. Her hands instinctively reach for the weapon hanging around her throat to quieten the sound of her heartbeat, her eyes sticking on the vampire that seemed to be the oldest of the two. The bigger threat. The one that could ruin everything for them. The older ones, after all, have a much keener sense of smell for magic, invisibility cloak and all. Yet, as long as they are not visible and stay out of the older one's path, her group will still have the first blood advantage. So when the invisibility cloak suddenly drops, Alayna feels her heart rate plummet, her body growing cold as the night air that wraps around her. [color=ed1c24][i]Hana. Hana is in danger[/i][/color], is the first thought that pops into her mind as she hears a small shriek not far from where she stands. Before she can react, however, a smaller female figure appears before her, startling her with the speed of her attack. The witch barely dodges the blow aimed at her neck, words of a simple fire spell already on her lips as a counterattack. Instead of aiming it at her opponent, she places the small wall of fire between the now injured Hana, who thankfully was able to defend herself somehow, and their undead offenders, effectively separating her from the situation. [color=ed1c24][i]For now[/i][/color], Alayna thinks, wincing slightly as she feels a sharp pain in her right cheek and blood trickling down her neck from the small gash she'd apparently sustained. Any lower and her neck might have been taken right off. Yet, hopefully, the light from her fire is enough to warn the others in the car of the imminent danger her group is in.