[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200903/0fd62bf3d75762d31cb6a538b3ccedb4.png[/img][/center] A deep sigh pushed itself out of Aardwolf's mouth as he heard the snarl come from the RainWing and looked to see a still annoyed expression on Skua's face. He hoped the IceWing would believe what Dreamseeker said. He hadn't been with them nearly as long but he could tell Skua meant well even if he didn't go about it the right way. He kept his thoughts carefully off his face, something he'd learned how to do when he began his training with the Outclaws. Better to let them think he wasn't paying attention. He pushed himself to his feet and stretched his wings with a wide yawn. At Jaguar's comment he saw Eclipse's brow furrow at her, [color=f7941d][b]"Cheery? In a place like this where is does nothing but rain and turn the ground to mud."[/b][/color] He could feel the mud caked in between his claws and had never before wished to be back on the shifting sands of the desert. [color=f7941d][b]"Seems difficult to find anything to be cheery about."[/b][/color] The SkyWing sighed and focused his attention on Jaguar, [color=ed1c24][b]"What should we expect when we get there?"[/b][/color] If Aardwolf didn't know better he'd say that Eclipse looked more worn down than when this all first started. [color=f7941d][b]"Follow up question. Are we all going to be entering the tribe or should some of us wait on the fringes in case something goes wrong?"[/b][/color] He knew very little of the RainWings, but from Jaguar's display of what their venom was capable of he didn't want to take any chances with the lives of these dragons that were, by Drought's order, under his guard.