[@Zanavy][@Alisdragon911][@Blackmist16] Sarah nodded. She frowned in worry though. Soon enough, she sat near the other trainers. She continued to look worried. She blinked when someone finally addressed her, and so did Gengar. She and the ghost pokemon both looked at Alan and Pip. "oh, um, hi. And....it's alright....I suppose." "gen....gar." Gengar sighed and shook his head. He looked at Pip. 'Whatever'he replied. Sarah cleared her throat. "This is Gengar." She pointed to him. "I never gave him a human name, and he likes to come out of his pokeball on his own, and often. What happened earlier was a good example, but he was right to do it that time. The rest of the team are in their pokeballs right now, but i am waiting my turn to get them checked out. I suppose you could all meet them if you'd like."