[quote=@Ammokkx]]I'm sorry to keep going off on you like this PPQ, but you have some hilariously misinformed or wrong opinions on genres and how they're structure. Games don't often survive by being actually bad, they're doing stuff right. XIV, especially, is lauded for its great storytelling and newbie-friendly Level Sync system. You can still do most old content as if it was new, and for the ones you can't, it's not impossible to find someone in party finder to help you out.[/quote] I didn't say bad. I said that they need to be good enough to sustain a community but not so good that they destroy the community by just having everyone sit and play so focused on the game that they don't actually socialize. That might make for a good game that pays off well but it fails at the fundamental purpose of a MMO. [quote]I'd still be playing even if I didn't have people to hang out with in-game. In fact, I kind of don't want to be in an FC, but if I'm not, I'm hounded 24/7 by invites from all over.[/quote] Which makes it a good game, but not necessarily a good MMO. That's the key thing. You can have something that is excellent all round and enjoyable but still fails at the fundamental purpose of its genre. And the purpose of the MMO genre is to provide people who don't ordinarily get up and socialize with a way of doing so that does not actually involve getting up. It is a venue for social interaction first and foremost. If the game keeps you happy and engaged but does not push you into socializing than it has failed at its job as a MMO.