[h2]"𝓐 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵"[/h2][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3690GOM.png[/img] Genre: slice of life/school life [color=Yellowgreen]✿[/color] Setting: modern/alternative reality [color=Yellowgreen]✿[/color] GMs: @Myling @??? [color=Yellowgreen]________________________________________✿________________________________________[/color][/center] “Welcome to Hailsham Boarding School! Whether you are a new student or a returning student, we wish you a spectacular study year. School time is the best time a person can have. It’s time to study hard, but also time to have fun and get more independent. We hope you get to live your school life the fullest. Greetings, Administrator, [i]Miss. Lobelia Evans[/i]” [color=Olivedrab]Hailsham Institute, more well known as Hailsham Boarding school, was founded in the late 1960’s. The founder Larry Evans wanted to offer a more humane school to students, who wouldn’t normally face an opportunity like that. Originally Hailsham institute was meant for teens, but since it became so popular, another institute was created for younger children. Many Students of Hailsham have originally been in that other institute and moved to Hailsham after getting older. Hailsham Boarding school is located in the beautiful british countryside and it specialises in creativity and a good etiquette. Hailsham institute is an old looking manor, surrounded by pretty scenery: breathtakingly beautiful flower fields and a big lake. It has a lot to offer to the students. Besides regular subjects the institute offers lots of creative and sporty activities. It even has a horse farm and students are allowed to ride. Hailsham Institute is known as this idyllic school that has a lot to offer. However there’s very little information about what happens to students after graduating. And if you happen to ask someone about Hailsham, you will face an anxious person with no answers.[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/niJLYTE.png[/img][/center] [b]First year[/b] (age: 16) [color=Yellowgreen]✿[/color] [color=Olivedrab]Out of all grades first year is the most challenging year for most students. You have to get accustomed to a completely new place away from your family. It’s especially difficult for those who are on good terms with their families, since the school forbiddens from using modern technology such as mobile phones. It can be hard to get contact with the outer world. Something to look forward to is the cocktail party which will be arranged in the first school week. It’s mainly done for the first grades in order to welcome them, but other students can also take part.[/color] [b]Second year[/b] (age 17) [color=Yellowgreen]✿[/color] [color=Olivedrab]Second grade is the most relaxed year. You don’t need to worry about getting accustomed to new life or worry about the future. However second year isn’t all about chilling: student’s of this grade need to still study and they will get more etiquette classes. Something to look forward to in second year is the ‘Oldie’s dance’. It’s similar to prom and the meaning of it is to celebrate becoming the oldest ones in school. The student’s will receive dance lessons and they will need to perform to the other students. Before the final performance the students will get a three-course dinner and student’s often arrange an afterwards party by themselves. The afterwards party usually involves partying and alcohol, teachers turn their blind eye to it.[/color] [b]Third year[/b] (age 18) [color=Yellowgreen]✿[/color] [color=Olivedrab] If first year was the most difficult and second year most chill, is the third year something between those two. Third graders have less studying and lessons than the other grades. However they have to worry about the future. The real meaning of Hailsham and it’s secrets will be revealed one by one for them. It can be overwhelming to the students. Something to look forward to is the Third grade gala. It may sound fancy but it’s actually a silly way of celebrating the last year/leave from the school. The gala will take a whole day. Third graders get to decorate (read: mess up and do pranks) the whole school. The students of third year get to dress up in costumes and throw candy at other students. At the end of the day the actual gala will be held. THe third year got to plan the whole event. Usually the gala includes silly but slightly mean spirited prizes (for example the bodybuilder of the year prize could be given to someone not so sporty), fun games and challenges and the humiliation of teachers (not anything too serious: for example a teacher would be challenged to a quiz about their own students or a small competition between teachers).[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/niJLYTE.png[/img][/center] [b]Student counselors[/b] (age 18) [color=Yellowgreen]✿[/color] [color=Olivedrab] Every grade will have a pair of student counselors. Student counselors are students that are decided by teachers to become counselors. They are usually dependable and good at school. They will help other students and take care of small tasks from teachers. Student counselors will become teachers at the school after graduating. What isn’t known by all is the fact that they will have different future ahead them than regular students.[/color] [center][color=Yellowgreen]________________________________________✿________________________________________[/color][/center]