[center] [img] https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/5a/1f/c2/hotel-at-night.jpg [/img] [/center] [i]“Despair behind you, and despair surrounding you,” a sadistic, sneering voice called out, “your existence is nothing but suffering.” The surging silhouette of a shadow stood before her, rippling softly, as though it were being fanned by a powerful gust of wind. The shadowy figure bore the faint, hazy image of a woman, hidden by darkness. “There is more than just the past, and the present,” Morgan replied, “there's always the future.” The Malkavian’s head ached and throbbed. She could feel her skull pounding. “You know what the future holds?” a dark smile cut through the blackness, creasing the hidden woman’s shadowy face, “misery and horror. The horror of a broken, rotting mind, rife with decay.” “It isn’t all horror,” Morgan declared, “there are good things waiting for me, too.” “Madness awaits you, little duckling,” the wispy figure let out a sharp cackle, “you’re going to crumble.” “I’ll only crumble if I let myself,” Morgan said, defiantly, “there's no guarantee that I can’t fight it.” “Any moment now,” the shadow woman promised her, “you’ll break apart, and never be put back together again.” “You don’t know that!” Morgan snarled. “Yes I do,” the silhouette laughed, “you’ve spent the past hour talking to yourself.” Suddenly, Morgan felt a deep, lurching rush of cold dread. She was falling. Down, down down… Crashing through the fragments of a cracked mirror. [/i] The world returned to her in icy splinters. The dull groaning of car engines. The hooting of nocturnal birds. The howling of night wind. Tarmac beneath her feet. An icy chill against her skin. The murmur of voices, growing louder and louder. Morgan found herself shambling towards a swanky, apartment, fashioned from polished glass, and smooth wood. Abbigale was propped up against the Malkavian, stopped over, and limping. “Let us in!” Rafael shouted, calling up at the condo, “we need your help!” “This is your plan..?” Jadeja muttered, cringing in pain, as she hobbled along. “Open up!” Rafael demanded, hammering his fist against the door, “I know you’re home!” The door of the trendy glass apartment creaked open. “You’re fucking kidding me…” a grandiose voice grumbled. A tall, slender figure stepped out into the darkness. A long, billowy beard obscured the finer features of his narrow face. “I told you not to contact me again, Rafael,” the bearded man glowered, wiry eyes burning with scorn, “I believe that I made that particularly clear.” “This isn’t a social call, Algernon,” Rafael grumbled back, “something is happening to Jadeja, and we need to know what it is.” Algernon cast his gaze over Rafael’s shoulder, to where the stooped figure of Abbigale Jadeja was doubled over in pain, leaning on Morgan for support. “Don’t tell me,” the sorcerer murmured, “a Ravnos..?” A look of moderate shock flashed across Rafael’s face. “How did you know?” He asked. “Something terrible is happening,” Algernon Regardie told him, “ an accursed monster stirs in the East. It is too soon to say what the damage will be, but nothing good can come of this dark vivification.” “Do you know what is going on?” Morgan asked, propping up Abbigale, whilst she hissed and groaned, “we all felt...something, but its nature alludes us.” Algernon let out a conquered sigh. “I suppose you three had better come inside,” he grumbled, “but take off your shoes. If you get mud on my carpet, then I’ll stake you, and leave you out for the fucking sun.”