[b][h1][center][color=4286f4][i]Arthur Stanford[/i][/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][img]https://s.aolcdn.com/dims-shared/dims3/GLOB/crop/3280x2050+0+121/resize/640x400!/format/jpg/quality/85/https://s.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/73ce8167c00ca1dc68e8468a67c07477/202780896/Photo+Credit+Jordan+Matter.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=4286f4]Location:[/color]Argo III Skills: N/A[/center] [hr][/b] Arthur smiled at Andy's attempt to reassure him. He forgot about that, he had living [i]most[/i] of his life without being hunted by monsters at this rate, so this rate had to be a kind of outlier. Certainly, he'd never run into a dragon before, so whatever was going on, it might be a sign of something bigger going on, summoning creature to kill them. HE shrugged though, they'd survived so far, and he knew it had to let up eventually. Turning his head to Allanah, he smiled for a moment, giving him a interesting feeling. He'd never really considered going to college, but now... Up until now, he thought he'd essentially lost the chance to go, you couldn't go to classes if monsters could tear down the wall at any moment. But if there was a place that [i]just[/i] was for demigods? It was a kind of hope. He had no idea what the romans were like, but if they were cool, he couldn't think of a reason not to go there. Turning his head towards Kiera, he waved at the Iris message, but decided not to interact. He didn't know if there were any kind of tension between the the greek and roman camps, and he didn't want to make a fool of himself.