[hider= H.P.L. Corp.] Name: Hypothetical Physics Logistics Corporation (H.P.L. Corp) Flag: [img]https://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=3&c1=0&c2=4&c3=0&o=6&c4=4&s=14&c5=0[/img] Government: Geniocratic Technocracy (Geniocracy- Rule by the intelligent) (Technocracy- Rule by the educated or technical experts; a system of governance where people who are skilled or proficient govern in their respective areas of expertise in technology would be in control of all decision making) Territory: Based in what was once Singapore, before they bought the entire territory. Facilities found globally. History: Originally nothing more than a small, self-made tech company based in Singapore, the discovery of Langium allowed the creator, Harley Kraft, become the largest technology juggernaut in the world. Decades later, Kraft Technologies was rebranded Hypothetical Physics Logistics Corporation. Lead by a panel of experts, H.P.L. Corp is no longer concerned with wealth or competition, choosing to focus entirely on discovery for the sake of discovery. Pre-Visitation: Before The Visitation, H.P.L. Corp's (or as they were known then, Kraft Technologies) only concern was to corner the technological market and propel it's creator into fame and fortune. The Visitation: The discovery of Langium allowed Harley Kraft to create a new kind of computer, one much smaller and far more powerful than the wall to wall models of the time. These computers allowed for all manner of new discovery on top of what Langium itself promised. The massive success of Kraft Tech's Tabletop Computers allowed them to expand rapidly, using their newfound wealth and influence to create laws that protected their monopoly over science itself. Recent History: Hypothetical Physics Logistics Corporation has only grown. While their abuse of law allows them to still be considered a corporation, they are functionally their own nation. Regardless of field, almost every discovery made since has been attributed to H.P.L. Corp, and when they aren't, the original discoverer almost always seems to find a job with them... or quietly disappear. With a firm grip on the planet (or so they believe), the time has come to turn their inquiries starward. Pressing Issues: While H.P.L. Corp loves to tote itself as the only trustworthy source of scientific discovery, the unstable and unpredictable nature of Langium makes potential outside discoveries a constant threat, as the only thing more dangerous than competition is the shattering of their grand illusion. After all, if [i]anyone[/i] could become a scientist, why would they [i]need[/i] a corporation? On top of that, their research and development is nowhere near as iron clad as they'd like you to think. Creating controlled testing environments is practically impossible with Langium, meaning that their experiments fail more often than not, and their products, despite being the best, are often times almost as unstable as the Langium powering them. Worst of all, morality plays no part in their manner of research, effectively turning all their "employees" (citizens) into part-time test subjects. Budget: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/622561856153714710/795385719874125834/pie-chart.png[/img] [/hider]