After listening to Mako’s explanation for the meeting, Mai went over to grab herself a cup of tea. She would normally enjoy a cup after dinner, but that was rudely interrupted by two unsuspecting guests. Well, she could at least relax a bit before the meeting started. As she waited for the Headhunter, Mai wondered who was going to be put on teams together. She hoped she didn’t have to work with that annoying girl at dinner or the one who decided to set the warehouse on fire. Rambunctious people tended to make the worst teammates. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the meeting did start rather quickly. Mai rolled her eyes at Shindou’s crappy explanation as to why there wasn’t any coordination last night. If anything, there should have been more planning considering that they knew foreign hunters would be present tonight. At least the mission was successful, and hopefully, the staff could figure out what the black rocks were. When it was announced that Mai would be working with Maria, she did her best to hold in a sigh. Working with Hoshio and Mizuki would be fine, despite the latter being a devil feeder; she’s never been a fan of those hunters. However, she wasn’t keen on working with Maria. The little interaction she’s had with the hunter done nothing but left her feeling annoyed. As if summoned by her thoughts, the woman apparated next to her, speaking rather loudly. Gosh, did this girl have a volume dial somewhere? Or a mute button? Looking around for her other fellow teammates, Mai saw Hoshio not too far away and beckoned him over. [color=DC143C][i]“I think as team leader, Hoshio would love to show you around. Right, Hoshio?”[/i][/color] she innocently inquired, trying her best to off-load Maria onto him.